
The Top 4 Benefits of Taking Out a Personal Loan

December 10, 2019 by Susan Paige

You might think that debt is the worst thing that can happen. But the truth is that people go into debt all the time to get things done. In most cases, the benefits outweigh the costs. In this sense, title loans and other kinds of personal loans offer several benefits.

1. Collateral Is Not Always Required

There are many types of personal loans, and not all of them require collateral. Certainly in the case of title loans, collateral is required because it is a secured loan, but this does not apply to every single loan. An unsecured personal loan allows anyone to get a loan for whatever they need. The advantage of this is that defaulting on such a loan won’t result in a house, car, or other asset being taken. 

2. Interest Rates Might Actually Be Lower

One of the biggest issues with credit cards is that the interest rates can often be high. They may begin with an interest-free period, but eventually, the credit card company will reap all of that back with a big interest rate percentage.

Interestingly, there are many personal loans where the interest rate is lower than a comparable credit card. Even credit cards with middle tier interest rates are generally higher than the interest rates that many unsecured personal loans attract.

3. A Single Loan Can Be Much Easier to Manage

The trap that many people fall into is having debts with multiple credit card companies. Having to deal with more than one credit card can make it confusing to pay them down and may even result in more debt.

One of the biggest benefits of a single personal loan is that it can replace a slew of credit card debts. Making payments on only one lump sum is a lot easier to manage than paying multiple credit cards. In fact, some people combine all their credit card debt into a single lump sum debt, making it easier to manage.

4. The Payment Schedule Is Easy to Understand

The other trap that many people fall into is taking out lines of credit that don’t have clear repayment schedules. There are often minimum payments due every month, but it is not always clear just how much should be paid. This is how many credit card companies work to keep their customers in debt to them.

By contrast, a personal loan has a very clearly defined repayment schedule. When applying for the loan, it will be clearly spelled out how much should be paid each month and what that means regarding the life of the loan. This facilitates an easy understanding of where people stand in relation to the life of the loan.


Taking out a loan is often a great way to get something done, such as paying an urgent medical bill, repairing a vehicle, and so on. The good news about personal loans is that they are often better than using credit cards.

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