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As I look at the window, I’m watching the second snowfall for this winter here in New Jersey. Maybe the bliss will wear off someday, but I just love watching those little snowflakes fall. I haven’t left the house much this week because it’s been so, so cold but I have started taking the steps to really get prepared for winter on a budget.
My husband has been telling me we need boots for quite some time. Every time he’s wanted to buy them, I haven’t been able to squeeze them into my budget. Many people will tell you that it’s quite worth it to spend a lot on winter boots because many of them can last you 10+ years. Right now, we are both wearing our hiking boots, which definitely do the job. Until then we will be looking for some sales. If you’re on a budget, scour what you have and see how long you can go before buying a new pair. It’s more important for me to buy my husband a pair since he goes to the hospital every day, but since I work from home, my pair of boots aren’t as integral.
There are many ways to get a great winter coat. I was recently in Goodwill and spotted a full length super warm faux fur coat. Normally I wouldn’t buy a real fur coat but since it was second hand I considered it for the coldest of days. It was several sizes too big though which led me to consider it for reselling on Criagslist or eBay but didn’t want to risk it. I already have so many other things to sell on Craigslist right now that aren’t getting done! Instead I went to Macy’s during their recent friends and family sale and got a $300 long down coat for $120. It was an expensive coat but I was pleased with the price. I even got a discount because the zipper was stuck but Hubs promptly un-stuck it once we got home so win/win.
I knew coming to New Jersey without even a long sleeve shirt (remember, we lived in the Caribbean for 3 years!) that I would have to buy some layers. Hubs got me some fleece lined leggings last Christmas, and I pretty much live in them! However, just to get a long sleeve shirt for layering would have cost me at a minimum $10ish dollars a shirt and more if I wanted a thick, nice brand. Lucky for me, I went to a clothing swap in my neighborhood where you brought the clothes you want to donate and then you can peruse other people’s donations all for free. I found a big stack of size medium Gap long sleeve shirts in about 4 different colors. I put them in my bag and that was that. Isn’t free awesome?
What are some ways that you save on buying winter clothes?
Fleece lined leggings sound nice! I’m with you on the hiking boots. I got mine in 8th grade and they still fit, so I figured why not try them? I wore them every time it snowed like crazy last year. They definitely did the job!
Glad to know they worked since you are an experienced New Yorker haha!
I’ve been wearing my hiking boots too 🙂 It’s been great for slush and rain but I’m dreading those really big snowfalls!
If you can hold off as much as possible, I think the best time to buy winter clothes is mid-late January. Most retailers start selling off their inventory to make way for spring so you might be able to score some deals then!
Great advice!!
I wish I could find a clothing swap around here. I would be thrilled!
Me too, Robin! How lucky is Cat?!
You should host one Robin. 🙂
I’ve spent years looking for the perfect boots. I settled on a not so cheap pair that I don’t really like. This year I think I’ll just get a pair of ugly warm ons because I think I’ll be playing out in the snow more with our two year old. A warm jacket is worth the price, and you got a good price, they never seem to wear out.
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