
How To Build The Perfect Home Gym

December 12, 2019 by Susan Paige

Finding time to get down to the gym isn’t always easy, especially if you have a busy home life. That’s why more people are starting to build their own at home, not only saving time while keeping fit, but also cutting out expensive gym costs. Read on to find out how to build the perfect home gym.

Make the most of the space available

Most people do not have the room to dedicate a separate room in their home to a gym. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of what you have available. Even if you can’t have all the equipment you’d ideally like, there are still ways to make it work. Weight benches can sit in the corner of the room with barbells and dumbbells tucked out of the way. A yoga mat doesn’t take up much room, and for classic exercises like sit ups, push ups, squats and lunges, not much space is needed at all. Home resistant training bands are also cost effective and convenient. Brands like KO8 make it easy to clip onto door handles, frames and other fixtures, allowing you to keep fit in smaller spaces. 

Choosing the right exercise equipment

Aside from the space you have available, you also have to give consideration to your budget. Compare the costs to a gym membership, which in some cases can be as much as £100 per month. You may be giving consideration to a cash loan to help get you started. Before doing so, make sure you do your sums and can afford the repayment payment plan set up for you. Equally as important is being sure that you will use any equipment you buy, as you don’t want it going to waste in the corner.

Go second hand 

Not all gym equipment has to be purchased brand new from a retailer. Whether it’s picking up second hand dumbbells, treadmills, exercise bikes, benches or anything else, people are always looking to sell their old equipment for reduced prices. Wherever possible, always try to see the equipment first before spending your money so you can make sure it is in good working order. 

Keep your balance

The best flooring material for a home gym is something that is non-slip and shock absorbent. Installing specialist flooring may not be an option, but there are exercise mats that provide both of these elements and can be easily moved from room to room. Carpet tiles are also known to be particularly hardwearing, while luxury vinyl tiles are both easy to clean and deal with scuffs and scrapes very well.

Finding the right temperature

Every good workout will get you into a hot sweat, but you’ll want to manage your body and room temperature so you can cool down efficiently after your session. Air conditioning is a luxury not everyone can afford to install, so the simple use of a fan or window may be enough to do the trick. If your home is south facing this may be more problematic in the summer due to solar gain, so be wary of relying just on this option. Using a fan is an alternative but be sure not to cool down your body too quickly after a workout as your muscles need to stay warm as you wind down.

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