You may have seen their commercials before. Blue Apron claims the “farm to table” standard that many companies claim to have but they deliver it to your doorstep. After trying Blue Apron out for the first time last week, I have to say I’m pretty impressed. You should take advantage of the great meals and Blue Apron’s free week. Here’s why:
Blue Apron Quality

Blue Apron Delivery

Opening up the box is rather exciting too. You get to open the cardboard up to reveal recipe cards, delicious-looking produce and individually packaged organic meat. In fact, receiving and opening the box is almost as exciting as preparing the meals themselves.
Preparing Blue Apron

How Much Does Blue Apron Cost?
I know you’re probably wondering by now how much Blue Apron costs. They’re sending out great meals to people with recipes and step-by-step instructions so how much does it cost?
You can get three two-person Blue Apron meals for $60 a week. At first, I thought that the price was pretty steep. After all, most weeks my boyfriend and I eat on $60 or less, however, we aren’t eating organic produce and meats. When I got to thinking about it and did some research I found that making a similar dish would cost one about twice as much as it would ordering it through Blue Apron.
If you’re still thinking about the cost, don’t worry. You can give their services a try without it costing you much (or anything at all). Blue Apron free week (where you can get a free trial of Blue Apron) comes around every once in a while. You can also receive $30 off your first week (half price) by using this link. And, like any other service, you can always keep an eye out for promotions to save some money.
In my opinion, Blue Apron is more about the experience than the meals. You get to receive a package, open it up to see individually packaged fresh foods and then receive step-by-step instructions on how to cook it. You’ll get to try new, healthy and organic foods at a reasonable price.
Interested in trying Blue Apron? Get $30 off your first week using this link.
More Blue Apron reviews:

Sometimes, I just eat out, though I have some time to prepare, but no time to do grocery. I think Blue Apron is just perfect and what I need.