
Why Do Blockchain and Bitcoin Need Sci-Fi Right Now?

February 10, 2022 by Susan Paige

The growing interest in blockchain is due to its disruptive capabilities. However, the potential of the technology has yet to be fully unlocked since there are still various issues that need solving. The first set of problems implies understanding and adopting this new technology. 


Considering how this innovation uses cryptography and runs on decentralized systems, its explanation can demand a lot of effort. This is why blockchain technology must be accompanied by imagining radically new solutions and concepts that will help people understand it better.


The fact that Sci-Fi literature has been such an essential part of human progress gives us no reason not to expect its involvement in ushering blockchain into mainstream adoption.


  1. Bitcoin can become a standard narrative device


The first step towards making Bitcoin known to the public is through fiction. Many of us have already seen Bitcoin mentioned in television shows, movies, or video games. However, none of this has influenced Bitcoin awareness that much. However, the next step may involve Bitcoin becoming one of the fundamental components of a Sci-Fi narrative.


For this to happen, the blockchain industry needs to create more original content that the public will perceive as one entity. If you can successfully establish a common thread between all these novels and movies – the message about cryptocurrency would spread far and wide.


This would mean that whenever people are exposed to Bitcoin in popular media, they will already have a contextual understanding of the technology.


  1. Blockchain literacy among sci-fi writers


Many sci-fi writers tend to be tech literate, which isn’t a coincidence. Sci-Fi authors are “Masters Of Imagination” who has an excellent capability of envisioning new technologies that can change our reality in the future. Many famous works of fiction have helped with popularizing existing technologies.


This is why Bitcoiners should be reaching out to sci-fi writers to help them understand the Bitcoin concept. This will not only raise Bitcoin awareness among Sci-Fi fans, but it will also provide a public “face” for Bitcoin since most of these people are already recognized by the general public.


This would essentially have a multiplying effect on Bitcoin’s public perception and prepare people for the upcoming blockchain revolution.


  1. Cryptocurrency as a Sci-Fi plot device


Many sci-fi books already mention cryptocurrency as the main plot. The most notable examples include: “Altered Carbon,” “Rainbow Six,” and “Aphrodite IX.” However, since blockchain technology is still a very new topic for most people, the only reference these works have made to cryptocurrency was merely mentioning it in passing. 


This is a part of what allowed cryptocurrencies to maintain their “geeky” reputation while being primarily available within specific online communities.


As mentioned earlier, you need more of these stories to establish a common thread and general understanding of what cryptocurrency is all about. This way, when cryptocurrencies become commonly adopted, people won’t be scratching their heads and thinking: “Where’s my flying car?”


  1. Blockchain for the commoner


While many sci-fi books discuss blockchain, they mostly fail to explain its potential in a way that won’t be too complicated for the layman to understand. This is a big issue because it would be impossible to convince people to adopt a technology that is too difficult for them even to begin understanding. 


The truth is blockchain technology is going to be a massive part of our future, and we need to prepare for that, especially in terms of explaining it to the masses.


However, this isn’t something easy either. There’s a significant risk associated with making blockchain too easily understandable, resulting in dumbing down the message. 


This is why it’s so important to find the balance between being too complicated and being capable of explaining blockchain concepts without oversimplifying them. This would be a massive step in fighting the “geek” stigma associated with Bitcoin today. Visit the official website from where you can learn more about bitcoin trading.




Blockchain will play a significant role in our future, regardless of whether you like it or not. This is why it’s essential to reach out and establish connections with influential sci-fi authors because they could help spread the word.

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