If you have started looking for life insurance, you might have come across single premium life insurance. This is just one of many different life insurance options. It’s important to know that not all life insurance options are the same. Each one has different pros and cons. Additionally, some types of life insurance work better for certain people.
Before committing to any type of life insurance, it’s necessary to know what types are available. Plus, you should know what each type has to offer. For now, here’s what you should know about single premium life insurance.
Single premium life insurance includes a lump sum of money that is paid into the policy. This is in return for a death benefit, which is guaranteed until death. This is a fully funded type of life insurance, which allows the cash value to build up quickly. It’s referred to as single premium because it is paid all at once and up front. You won’t be making monthly or annual payments.
There are three different types of single premium life insurance. This includes single premium whole life insurance, single premium variable life insurance, and single premium universal life insurance.
With single premium life insurance, your dependents will get a death benefit. While you are alive, you may run into health problems that require long-term care insurance. Single premium life insurance can help to cover this, while other insurance options may not include long-term care insurance.
With single premium life insurance, you have a couple of investment options. Single premium whole life insurance allows pays a fixed interest rate. This rate depends on the company’s investments and economic status. With single premium variable life insurance, you get to choose a professionally managed stock or money market account. You may also select a fixed account. You can select one of these types of single premium life insurance and get its corresponding investment option.
Should I Get Single Premium Life Insurance?
Now, you are probably wondering whether to get single premium life insurance. Overall, there are some great benefits to single premium life insurance. You will never miss a payment. You can use the cash value in an emergency. You can use the death benefit for long-term care. The policy acts as an investment.
One of the main reasons that you may not get single premium life insurance is due to the cost. Because you have to pay the total up front, you may not be able to get single premium life insurance. If you are in the financial position to pay for single premium life insurance, it is a good idea to do so. Finally, your decision should depend on your needs and whether you will personally benefit from this type of life insurance.
In short, single premium life insurance includes a lump sum of money that is paid into the policy. You pay the entire payment up front as opposed to monthly or yearly payments. This is in return for a death benefit, which is guaranteed until death. It has some great benefits, but the ultimate decision depends on your needs.