Many people wouldn’t think that later life care comes with extortionate costs. However, such people would be sorely mistaken to think it’s a cheap affair. Unfortunately, many care homes are facing closure due to a lack of funding, so it’s important that, now more than ever, care homes get that balanced budget they so crucially need.
We all know some of the more obvious costs that care homes need to prepare for. That said, there’re some hidden costs in there not everyone would think to anticipate. What are these lesser-known charges? you want to use these services yourself, will they put you off?
Consequently, here’re some of the hidden costs of later life care you should maybe consider.
Agency Charges
When it comes to staff and recruitment, care homes don’t work the same way as a typical business. The latter will hire staff right out of the gate based on their skills and qualifications and pay them a salary from then on. In the case of care homes, many such establishments simply ‘rent out’ the staff they need from another agency, who charges them for their workers services.
The costs here can be extremely high. For example, one agency charged a care home a whopping £2,700 a shift for workers, which many care homes would simply be unable to afford. There’re high hourly rates too, and these agencies also fine staff themselves as much as £50 for calling in sick, so this entire area of the industry is imbedded with fees and fines. While you might think this doesn’t affect you, keep it all in mind – some care homes might be seriously understaffed in light of all this, meaning your older loved ones may not get the care they need in certain establishments.
Many people have the wrong impression of care homes; perhaps they envision a group of elderly people sitting around all day and doing nothing. Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Some of them are there for a half day, and others take trips out with their friends to visit places like parks, theatres and museums as a group. But how are they so mobile?
Well, they’re able to get around because of the money care homes invest into transport. Companies like Allied Fleet contribute greatly here, providing specialist vehicles that help those in later life get around freely. In the end, this means that your older loved ones aren’t cooped up all day and the care home offers a wider breadth of services; but as with all good things it does come with a financial cost too!
False Fees
While many care homes out there are wonderful with those they care for, others are more exploitative. It’s important that when you’re researching where to place your older loved ones, you find them a care home that has their best interests and wellbeing at heart. Unfortunately, the hidden costs from the homes without those principles can be extremely damaging.
Case and point, there was reportedly one care home that truly bled a family dry financially; charging families for care weeks after the elderly person died, selling the deceased persons possessions, and charging for services that were never enacted by the establishment were all immoral practices they carried out. Therefore, it’s important that you do your research to identify and avoid these hidden fees. Not every care home operates like this, but customer reviews and recommendations will help you steer clear of those that do.