It’s no secret that VBecks is one of my main points of inspiration when it comes to style. I am quite smitten with how she has done a 180 flip with her image from Posh Spice in that “Gucci” dress to a now highly recognized style icon and designer.
Her book That Extra Half an Inch has been on my ‘to do list’ for some time now and I have finally got my butt into gear and read it. To be honest, once I started, it wasn’t hard to finish at all because the book reads as if she is sitting next to you having a chat. And if I ever actually got to sit down and have a chat with her there is no way I would be as cool, calm and collected as I was reading her book in the comfort of my electric blanket on the couch.
Whilst I was devouring her book, I had a strange thought. This book is actually like the mature and effervescent big sister of Gok Wan’s Work Your Wardrobe. It is written for real, down to earth people but with an elevated sense of image and concern for presentation. There is personality inside this book and what I loved about it is that she shared ways to dress yourself with cool, sophisticated British style without compromising on the reality of everyday necessities. And if anyone is to know how to balance style and being a mum it is Victoria Beckham. After all, Vbecks has her hands full as a mum of four kids now! Three of which are boys…
Obviously you are reading this post for reasons why you should read this book, and here are some good ones.
1. There is a section on pregnancy dressing
She goes through some of her looks for dealing with the changes that pregnancy (and post pregnancy) brings and she assures that “you won’t feel exposed, you have total freedom of movement, nothing’s hugging you uncomfortably, and you can run around and just get on with your day.” (pg 280). I do love however, that she refuses to give up her heels. (Note: That has changed now, she does wear flats)
2. Jeans are a focus
Sure, it could be due to her denim line, dVb, but I like to think it’s because of her style prowess. Jeans and a tee are an easy outfit and are generally the uniform of mothers out there, but what brings the look down to frumpy and run down is the fit and cut of the jean. Enter Victoria Beckham. “Jeans that bag around the knees or bottom are another fashion disaster” (pg 23) So true. “I always make sure my jeans … give shape to the bottom instead of squashing it down.” (pg 23) Good! “Look for jeans that are cut higher at the back … so they don’t give you builder’s bottom every time you sit down.” (pg 23) Great point. “It is crucial to make sure the jeans are long enough” (pg 24) I’ll stop giving away all the spoilers, but she sure does cover off all the points of great jeans in this gem of a book.
3. She gives examples from a real person’s perspective
Such as using a Gucci carrier bag (the freebie one you get when you buy something) from a friend as an accessory (pg 116). Or where to find an honest opinion on your outfit. “No one will be more honest with you than your mum or sister… men will usually tell you that you look fine just to make you hurry up.” (pg 170). Personally, I loved her pregnancy experience with breast milk. She was going to a concert and as many pregnant mothers are, Victoria was excited about feeling “glamorous for an hour or two. But just as the concert began and the crowds were all screaming, [her] boobs started leaking like nobody’s business. So [she] spent most of [her] big night out mopping up [her] soggy front.” (pg 283) Eeeek…
4. She goes into greater detail about accessories
I have read many a style book and accessories are often talked about but not in detail. For example, tan heels. I have heard countless times that every woman should own a pair. I know why, but do all of you beautiful people know? Vbecks explains that “not only do they elongate your leg, because it looks like you are wearing no shoes at all, but because they are a neutral color they will go with pretty much any outfit and dress it up.” (pg 121) She also discusses what to look for in a handbag for security, “Just don’t get one of those sloppy shopper bags as they are the thief’s best friend.” (pg 138). Or hats! She talks hats, including baseball caps, cowboy hats and occasional wear hats. Don’t be afraid of hat hair girls, we can overcome this hat hair fear.

5. There is even a make up section
This is a book that covers a head to toe look. Like many of us, she has memories of her mother and makeup, such as “my earliest make up memory is my mum rubbing a bit of lipstick on my cheeks before I went to school, to try to make me look perkier in the mornings.” (pg 315) Sadly this is not one of my memories, but we each have our own no doubt. Another good reason to get into the make up section is that she goes beyond the standard ‘natural and soft eye shadows are best for everyday use’ and actually tells you what products to get your mitts on. Such as Mac Cosmetics Amazon Eyes (which consists of Amazon, Statuesque, Primal and Roustabout) which is pretty dang close to what I use daily anyway. I’m putting that down as a win in my book. But it’s not just make up, she talks skin care too with this little tip from Ginger Spice, Geri. “Just before you get out of the shower you should turn the temperature down and get a blast of freezing cold water.” (pg 321) She explains why in the book, and interestingly enough my mother also impressed upon me to do this as well when I was about 14, stressing about my teenage skin. I just don’t have the guts to do it.
These are just a few of the golden gems and dazzling diamonds of information held in Victoria Beckham’s book that can help you take your look from average to expert. I promise you that one read will elevate your style and boost your confidence.
Have you read That Extra Half an Inch?
What did you think? What was your favorite piece of advice?
Jac is a personal stylist based out of Canberra, Australia and is currently studying to be a make-up artist as well as working on the start of a clothing line.
She is creative, vibrant and enthusiastic and has a deep passion for boosting women’s confidence and self-esteem.
My wife just bought That Extra Half an Inch last week. She said it was beautiful and an easy-to-use book for fashion and style. She is actually halfway done reading it and would be braver to be herself when it comes to fashion.