Starting a website is a sure shot method of a passive online income given that you do everything right. Many people want to have a website of their own but often tend to think that it is far too complicated to make one. Making a website was indeed complicated years back, but now it is quite simple and easy. offers you these tips on how you can create a stunning website for yourself and that even in 20 minutes!
There are four parts to making a website. A domain name, content management, hosting, and design. Every site needs to be hosted. A web host is technically home to your website along with all the content that is on it. A domain, on the other hand, is like a remote computer. You can also host your website on your computer, but to do that, you must make sure that your computer is up and running all the time.
The host ‘serves’ the website to the incoming traffic on the site when someone types in the domain name. Then comes the content management. There are many different platforms on which you can manage your content. One of the most popular platforms is WordPress. It is a free CMS (Content Management System) which plugs into your web host and enables you to manage the content easily. Regarding the design, you do not need to design the site on your own. You can use the free plugin and themes available online.
Four simple steps to create a website
Here are four simple steps that you can use to create a website;
- Chose and register your domain name
A domain helps people find your site. Each domain is unique. It is better that you select a domain name that is similar to the type of your website. For example, a website on education should have a domain name that is in the education niche.
- Setup your website hosting
Website hosting can be offered by several different websites. They have different packages depending on your requirements such as how much bandwidth you need, what type of security you need and so on
- Select your theme
Selecting your theme can be a daunting task as there are so many different types of themes available online. There are many free to use themes while there are premium themes as well. It is better to start with a simple theme at first as they can be changed later. It is ideal to start with free to use themes, and as your website starts ranking better, you can buy a premium theme and set yourself apart from the rest. If you want something unique, you can also hire a web developer and get yourself a completely new unique theme.
- Add your content
Now that everything is set, start adding your content. Content is what adds life to your website. The WordPress CMS makes it easy to add content that is easy to read and manage. When adding your content, try to SEO optimize it. SEO optimization helps you rank better on google and generate more traffic to your site.
There you have it, four simple stages to start your website. These steps are for amateurs only, and as you gain more experience in website development, you can add in more professional work. By using the techniques mentioned above, you can have your website up and running and start your passive income flow. To generate revenue from your website, you can put in different advertisement services on your website, and every time someone clicks on the ad, you get paid!