When you are on a tight budget, going on a holiday is usually the last thing on your mind. After all, holidays are expensive, aren’t they? Going on a holiday may not be a priority if you are trying to stick to your monthly budget, but it is actually a good thing to do. Taking a break from everyday routines and the stress that comes with them keeps you fresh and ready for more challenges, allowing you to be more productive for longer.
So, how can you go on a great holiday without spending too much money? We spoke to some seasoned travellers who shared their secrets for travelling on a budget. Here are the best budget travelling tips you can use to get started.
Save for Traveling
A good way to set aside some money for your next holiday is by adding travelling as a budget post from the beginning. Instead of waiting until the end of the month and saving a portion of whatever money you have left, you need to set aside a portion of your income for going on holidays.
That portion doesn’t need to be big at all. Setting aside £10 every month is better than not saving anything. The more you can add to your holiday fund, the sooner you can escape to a nice beach somewhere and unwind.
Look for Nearby Destinations
Going to the local zoo or spending time exploring new restaurants may not seem like much of a holiday, but these activities are actually more refreshing than you realize. The goal is taking a break from your everyday routines; you don’t have to go far to do that.
Try exploring nearby destinations that you haven’t explored before (or places that you have not visited in a while). Museums, art galleries, nearby parks, and the local tourist attractions can be just as exciting to visit as other cities or an exotic location. You just have to know how to plan an exciting day.
Plan for the Trip
Speaking of planning for an exciting day, there are ways to save on your next trip. One of the best things you can do to really keep the costs of a holiday down is by planning ahead. Look into every detail and try to figure out what you need for the trip before departing on a thrilling holiday.
Planning ahead and planning early are also great ways to save on the holiday itself. When you book your flight months before the actual holiday date, for instance, you can usually get better deals. The same can be said for accommodations and tours.
Know How to Save
As you plan for the holiday, you can also explore ways to further save and reduce the costs of the trip. As mentioned before, there are so many things you can now do to have an affordable holiday. You can start by using special offers and coupon codes to earn discounts.
Instead of staying in a hotel, look for holiday rentals and villas. In popular destinations, villas and holiday rentals are easy to find. For example, you don’t have to look far to find the best luxury villas Santorini has to offer, and they are available at great prices too. Check this link for an example: https://www.bluevillascollection.com/santorini. Blue Villas has a selection of luxury villas on Santorini and other Greek islands. Check them out if you are looking for a luxury villa holiday somewhere scenic.
Do It Yourself
Staying in villas or holiday rentals offers additional benefits. First of all, you can cook your own meals most of the time, so there is no need to spend extra money on meals in restaurants. All you need is some ingredients – which you can find at the local market or a grocery store near your villa – and you are all set.
You can also drive yourself rather than relying on public transport or taxis. Remember to renew your international driving licence before your trip and find an affordable car hire service. Some service providers let you pick up and drop off the car at any of their branches, making driving yourself around much more convenient.
Travel Light
Travelling light is a great way to save on small fees and costs here and there. You obviously don’t need to spend more on extra baggage. You can also choose to walk to nearby destinations rather than take a taxi.
Walking is a great way to save money when you’re travelling, and you can walk without ruining the entire trip since you don’t have big bags to carry around. Even better, you can turn a walk back to the hotel or from the hotel to the nearby beach into an adventure of its own.
Be Budget-Conscious
Lastly, always stick to your budget throughout the trip. Remember that there will be a lot of things that tempt you to spend more or spend money on unnecessary things. You need to be able to decide whether that extra spending is well worth the experience that you get in return. Stick to the budget and you’ll have a great trip without breaking the bank.