
How to Create an Inspiring Writing Space

May 2, 2023 by Erin

Every writer needs a place to work. How else were they going to let their creative forces slip out on the screen or paper? There are several elements to make the perfect writing space, and you don’t need a large budget to achieve it. Here are a few key ways to create a great writing space on a budget.

Look for the Right Location

The first thing that you need to do is to look for a place for you to do your writing. Where is the right place for you to write? While many writers have an office space, that may not be available to you. Consider whether you would be able to set up a desk area in your bedroom, living room, or even your kitchen. Keep in mind that where you do your writing should have minimal distractions, plenty of natural light, and enough space for you to get your work done.

Set Up the Equipment You’ll Need

Once you have your room for where you are going to write, you need to set up the equipment you’ll need. Some writers like to do their work on their laptop or computer and then print out drafts regularly for editing. In fact, employees alone print out 10,000 pages each year, and writers aren’t so different.

While printers typically last for three to five years, you can usually find second-hand printers for a great deal online or on local marketplaces. They can take up a decent amount of surface space, so consider setting your printer on a shelf, alongside your desk, or on a spare table. Depending on your style, other types of equipment you might need include a second monitor, sticky notes, or even just a notebook.

Keep an External Hard Drive

Depending on where you write, you may feel like your content and your information is secure. However, with today’s AI software scanning websites for content to practice with and over 4 billion records having been exposed in 2019 alone, it’s more important than ever to use a secure writing system. Keep your writing on an external hard drive, not just in the cloud, and make sure that you’re using virus protection on your computer that you update regularly.

Make It More Like You

Your writing space should stand out to you. When you first walk up to it, it should feel like your space and your space alone. Add some special touches around the room or area. Think of it like decorating another room in your home. If you’re working in an area that usually serves another purpose, consider using ambient methods when the time comes to write such as lighting a specific candle, setting up small pieces of decor you can remove later, or adding plants.

When you’re creating a writing space, whether as a hobby or for your profession, it’s important that you feel inspired and ready to work. Try out these tips above today to spread out your workspace and get to writing.

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