“No!” is a timeless word that we often hear every day to every parent regardless of age. Therefore, the word sticks with parenting, especially when you are disciplining your child. If you could only count the times you used “No!” in a day and then turn them into dollars, we bet you will have extra dollars.
But still, this abrupt, nonsense command is useless to a child, especially if they are in the stage of exploring the world like an uncontrollable toddler who is about to plug a TV with their wet hands, or a kid who is about to munch a plugged appliances with resistors such as heaters and toasters.
As their parent, you play an essential role in your little ones, and that is being the best teacher to them. And as for safety, you need to make sure that you have so much to impart to them. And electrical safety is a huge one and should be part of your parenting syllabus.
Since electrical safety is a broad topic, you may be in doubt as you may consider some factors like “my child is young, at what age can I introduce these safety concepts?” and “What are the inclusions of those concepts?”
Allow us to help you coach your kids about electrical safety.
Teaching Materials Will Help You Well
Parents know their children above anyone else, even on educating them; you know how they will learn better.
Here are some tips:
Become the subject matter expert- (or at least being knowledgeable about it) about electrical safety. If you are not an electrician by profession, Of course, we don’t expect you to know everything about it, but reading some references related to the subject could be beneficial in your end.
Introduce the concept now or pay the consequences later- Of course, your child needs to understand why you are saying “No!” every time he is grabbing the charger of your phone. But if you associate essential safety lessons at a very young age, he would benefit from it. Children are very eager to absorb information as they are like sponges regardless of age.
Use visual materials that concepts are easy to absorb and understand – You can demonstrate in from of your child like doing Science homework. For example, you can unscrew the outlet box to reveal what is inside, as the wiring system. You can show them how the lamp must be well fitted on various size bulbs. You can also integrate some virtual kid-friendly games, videos for them to quickly catch up.
Coaching Children down Their Learning Curve
Children can oppose rules about “age-appropriate” learning and behavior. However, science teachers strongly agree that children are enabling to respond very well to the following:
- Constant words, syllables, and phrases (so that they will get the message or they will remember it) starting from preschool age up to third grade.
- Attention-getting language like saying “No!”, forceful at a very young age.
- Precise instructions regarding home electrical safety when they reach their third or fourth grade.
You can also include these topics when they are ready
- LightningKites and fences
- Electrical Outlets
- Damaged cords
- Climbing trees
- Utility poles