
Amanda Blankenship

Amanda Blankenship is a full-time stay-at-home mom. Her family recently welcomed their second child, a baby boy, into the world. She loves writing about various topics, including politics and personal finance. In her spare time, Amanda loves to play with her kids, make food from scratch, crochet, and read.

Looking For a Fun Way to Save? Here’s a Printable 26-Week Savings Plan

Looking For a Fun Way to Save? Here’s a Printable 26-Week Savings Plan

Saving money is difficult. In fact, it is so difficult 70% of Americans don’t have enough money stashed away to cover a $1,000 emergency. This leads to people racking up unnecessary credit card debt and essentially hurting their long-term financial health. (There’s a reason Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 1 is to save $1,000.) One of

Looking For a Fun Way to Save? Here’s a Printable 26-Week Savings Plan Read More »