Having some sort of “fashion consciousness” isn’t limited to looking good for the women. It can also be about evoking a sense of confidence, poise and a healthy measure of pride in oneself.
But because fashion is most commonly associated with wealth or celebrity, many guys outside those 2 groups view fashion in general as a waste of money , or too “boujee” for them.
Whatever your current “fashion statement” happens to be, upping your fashion game doesn’t have to cost a lot, and you don’t have to “dress above your station” for it to be appealing to you.
Let’s take the “jeans and t-shirt” guy. Instead of a t-shirt with jeans, try wearing a polo shirt or a button-up shirt. If you want to take it up another notch, get some semi-casual pants, like Dockers or Khaki pants. Dockers combined with a polo shirt can improve your appearance even more.
You don’t have to go hog wild. Just experiment a bit and see if one or two steps up in your fashion choices might give you a boost in confidence, or a healthy rise in your pride.
But fashion is about more than clothes.
Hair has a connection to a perception of youth. Some guys keep a full head of hair their entire lives, which makes them feel younger. Others have receding hairlines that make them feel old.
If you have enough hair to do it differently, a simple change in style can make you look younger. But even a neat, clean cut can do about the same. Many men with full, but graying hair choose coloring to regain their youthful appearance.
If your hair has receded to the point you can’t do much with it, try going completely bald or cutting what’s left almost to the scalp.
Not all men like jewelry, but certain items draw certain fashion perceptions.
According to experts, and depending on location, wearing a watch can make you appear organized in some eyes. Others might think you have a career deserving of high respect.
Overall, wearing a watch lends an air of sophistication to your appearance. Other jewelry might be worn, such as rings. However, our aim here is using an “average Joe” example to show that upping one’s fashion can be affordable.
For the jeans and t-shirt guy, wearing dress shoes with a polo and khakis may be a bit much. However, there are still some sound options that will work with the polo-and-khaki ensemble.
Loafers can work well with this combination, but they’re an acquired taste. If they don’t work for you, it should be easy to find shoes that are dressier than sneakers. Even walking shoes can look even better than loafers!
Time and space do not permit us to cover the whole spectrum of men’s fashion. But we hope that you can take this example and think about how you can up your fashion game.