Business owners understand that they must do everything possible to provide and safe and healthy work environment for their employees. To reduce the risk of workplace mishaps and injuries, protocols are put in place. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has created laws and regulations that guide employers when creating their safety program.
What Does OSHA Require?
OSHA has written regulations that help companies implement a program aimed at reducing risks. OSHA requires that workers are given the necessary information to understand and identify the hazards inherent in the business. OSHA also guides companies in developing control measures to reduce risks. For example, Safety Data Sheets have been developed for products and substances that workers use. Making this SDS information readily available to employees enables them to make safe and quick decisions on how to mitigate risks after an accident or a spill occurs. Sign up your employees for osha 10 training to make sure they are safe in the workplace and maintain the regulation standards.
What Safety Protocols Should Companies Implement?
Communicating illness and injury data to employees encourages them to take their responsibilities seriously. Companies should be careful not to divulge personal information unless necessary, however.
Workers must be made aware of all potential safety hazards at the workplace. They must be trained on general procedures, as well as specific work instructions that apply to their work environment. Production worker participation is critical when developing safety standards since these employees are exposed to the most risks.
An effective health and safety program ensures that:
- All workers feel comfortable giving input and reporting safety concerns.
- Employees are given opportunities to participate in the creation of the safety program.
- Every employee has access to the information needed to do their part in implementing the program.
- Workers are assured that if they raise safety and health concerns they will not be subjected to retaliation of any kind.
What Is PPE?
Personal protective equipment must be considered when developing a safety program. PPE has become a familiar term during the current pandemic. Most people associate the term with masks and face shields, and many companies have implemented the use of masks at work. They also require social distancing and the use of hand sanitizer.
Many companies, however, have used PPE to improve workplace safety for years. Manufacturing, construction and other production facilities are particularly prone to workplace injuries. In these places where occupational hazards are inherent in the job description, PPE can greatly reduce the risk of injury. There are many types of PPE available. A few examples are listed below.
- Protection for the head – In companies where there is the potential for falling objects, head protection is critical. An ANSI approved PPE helmet will absorb shock and prevent many objects from penetrating the surface.
- Protection for the eyes and face – Face shields and goggles protect the face and eyes from sparks created by cutting or welding. Proper eye protection will also provide a shield from harmful chemicals and other contaminants.
- Hearing protection – People who work in areas where the noise level is high are required to wear hearing protection. Depending on the decibel level at the workplace, there are many types of earplugs and earmuffs available that can significantly reduce the noise to a safe level.
- Respiratory protection – Respirators and certain masks provide protection against harmful chemicals and particles from invading the lungs. They can filter gasses and in some cases provide clean air through a safe system.
The safety and health of employees is the top concern for business owners. Workers need to feel confident that when they arrive at work, they are entering a safe environment. During the pandemic, these concerns are greater, but good habits will keep workers safe at all times.