It seems not so long ago that men were measured by social status and career. Today, the standards for what makes a man attractive is also transforming. It’s no longer about the job title, money, and material possessions.
The way a man grooms himself, cares for his body, and what drives his soul are a few new-school traits of what we find attractive in the modern world.
It is said, a man without a beard or mustache is like a lion without a mane. There may be some truth to this, and gone are the days tailored to grooming only women.
There is a new trend of barbershops that cater to the modern man of today. Whether you are looking to shape your stubble or go classic Van Dyke, you can visit this page to see what kinds of things are on offer.
Sprucing up your wardrobe lets your date, employer, and new people you meet see that you know how to take care of things. A good haircut and dressing with pazazz are very powerful.
With the evolution of how men care for their health, their diet and forms of exercise are also changing. Men are trying anything from plant-based foods to intermittent fasting to cut down on body fat and building muscle.
According to research conducted at Harvard, it’s been showed that intermittent fasting works best in the morning and early afternoon. Veganism has also made a splash with alternatives to eating meat.
Many plant-based bodybuilders state they have never been fitter and happier in their lives. Being fit and content are two desirable qualities everyone strives for.
More than a good haircut and a six-pack, living a passionate life may be the most beautiful thing a person can possess.
Passion isn’t just the flame that burns out of the sheets when you and your partner are getting frisky between them. Passion is the burning love for anything you do in life.
People find passion attractive because it’s contagious. When we see or hear someone light up with fire over the things they love, we can’t help but feel that excitement ourselves.
Passion lets others know that you are interested in music, cooking, or writing a book. It shows that you value your time and have meaning in your life. Doing what you burn for with zest is a testimony that you have direction and purpose in life.
Quite the opposite of someone just going through the motions living from pay-check to pay-check, passion is inspiring to those around you. Being dedicated to your work, hobbies, and interests helps attract people with that same flair for life.
Be the Most Attractive You
Relationships are necessary to human existence, and we all want to look attractive. We all want amazing friends, partners, and family. Sometimes we need to set the example by being our best selves.
Taking care of your appearance is a fact of life because people will treat you the way you look. Also, a healthy body is a sign of self-discipline and self-love. Finally, folks are moved by passion and admire someone they hear speak avidly about what they love because it inspires them to do what they are passionate about.
With the start of a new decade, we should check in with ourselves to see that we are indeed the best versions of ourselves that we can be.