Student life is tough on the bank account and having enough money to enjoy all the social events and nights out, as well as eating and paying rent, is hard. As a student, there are ways that you can get thrifty and save yourself some extra cash. Whether this is with student discounts or money-making apps, here are some student life hacks to save yourself some money this year.
Student Discount Cards
As a student, signing up for any and all student discount websites is a no-brainer. This includes the likes of Student Beans and Unidays. Most of these are free, but there are some student discount cards you have to pay for. However, they are well worth it. The TOTUM card costs just £12 for a year, but with so many discounts, you can make this money back in the space of a week. You can also use your university ID card as a student discount in many stores. If you’re unsure if a store participates, just ask.
Student Accommodation
Choosing an accommodation that is both affordable and nice is difficult. University accommodations can be more expensive, so it is worth shopping around, as private can sometimes work out cheaper. It is also worth considering how far out the university is to the accommodation. If transport is going to be needed, it may be just as cheap spending more on rent to be closer. One option to consider is Collegiate’s collection of accommodation which is centrally located, has a private fitness suite, Wi-Fi and all-inclusive rents, so with their accommodation you can be sure to get your money’s worth. Add up the costs that you may end up spending if you live elsewhere and see if there’s really that big a difference.
Eating Out
There is nothing easier than ordering takeout or heading down to Nando’s after Uni rather than going home and making food. There are ways you can eat out and barely spend a penny, as long as you choose your restaurants carefully. Purchasing a Tastecard can save you a lot of money and you can try it for as little as £1. This gives you 50% off or 2 for 1 mealsacross a variety of popular restaurants, including Pizza Express, Prezzo, and Frankie & Bennie’s. This means if you and a friend split the bill, you can be paying as little as a fiver each for a sit-down meal.
Take Part in Research
There are dozens of apps out there that pay you for your time in answering survey and questionnaires. You won’t make millions, but over time you can earn enough to pay for a night out, better than wasting time scrolling through Facebook. You can also apply for face to face research with websites such as People for Research. These websites can offer a whopping £50 if you are chosen to take part. It helps if you live in a city such as London or Manchester, but there is research done solely online too.
Being a student has its advantages such as student discounts and student rates in many stores and online retailers. Follow these life hacks to start saving today.