Thinking about your future while you are young enough to plan ahead for it is the smartest way to get financial security and stability. While social security and pensions are always nice to have on hand, they should not be your standby. Saving money now will help you to live a comfortable life later.
With all of the options out there to save and invest money, though, the question becomes, “Which option is the best way to save money?” Here are 3 ways to hold on to your money effectively so that it will be there for you in your golden years.
3 Ways to Save Money Effectively
1. Go automated.
There is absolutely no reason for you to be anything less than 100% automated today, from your bills to your deposits. Automating your payments helps you avoid late fees from accidentally missed bills. Setting up your investments into your savings accounts, IRAs and other retirement plans on automatic deposits stops you from spending the money – what you don’t see, you don’t miss. If you are not sure what retirement plan is right for you, you can learn about IRAs and more here, but forward thinkers have one they are always investing in regularly.
2. Analyze your bills.
Most people get their bill in the mail and pay it without much thought. There may be some grumbling about the price hikes or ridiculous fees, but they still pay it. When you are ready to start saving money, your next step is to learn how to negotiate your bills.
Sure, it might take you some time and research, but you can probably get better rates on your car insurance, cell phone plan, and your television programs with a phone call. With a simple threat to leave, you may find that your provider chooses to give you a lower rate instead of losing you altogether. But if they don’t budge, you can do your research and find someone with comparable service and better rates.
3. Prepay your bills.
If you are not sure how the mathematical formulas work with your loans and credit cards, it’s like this: The closer to the minimum balance you pay each month, the longer you keep that debt and the more interest you pay. So by paying more than the minimum, you will pay that debt off faster and save money over the long-term, which is what you are thinking about right now.
There are a couple of methods to do this, like the snowball method. In this debt reduction method, you would pay the bills with the smallest balances off first, then use those minimum payments to apply to your larger debts. Other methods include paying off balances with the highest interest rates first or paying the highest totals first. Whichever one works for you is fine, as long as you are reducing your bills to become debt-free.
Save Now, Live Well Later
You still should enjoy life, of course. It’s meant to be lived. But you can’t spend excessively without planning for the future, or it will catch up to you. Instead, invest in these three tips to save money so that your future will be enjoyable and comfortable.