
15 Fashion Trends Gen Z Loves That Are Raising Eyebrows

June 20, 2024 by Vanessa Bermudez
15 Fashion Trends Gen Z Loves That Are Raising Eyebrows

Gen Z is making waves in the fashion world with their bold and unapologetic style choices. From bringing back nostalgic trends to breaking traditional fashion norms, this generation is all about self-expression. Let’s explore 15 fashion trends that Gen Z loves and that are definitely raising some eyebrows.

1. Crop Tops for All

Crop Tops for All

Crop tops have made a massive comeback, and Gen Z isn’t restricting them to any one body type or gender. This trend promotes body positivity and inclusivity, with people of all shapes and sizes rocking the crop. It’s common to see crop tops paired with high-waisted jeans, skirts, or even layered over dresses. Crop tops are no longer just summer attire; they’re styled for all seasons. This bold fashion statement is all about celebrating individuality.

2. Bucket Hats

Bucket Hats

Bucket hats, once a ’90s staple, are back and bigger than ever. Gen Z has embraced them for their quirky and nostalgic vibe. You’ll see them at music festivals, on city streets, and even in high-fashion runways. These hats come in various materials and patterns, from classic canvas to bold neon prints. The bucket hat trend combines practicality with a fun, retro aesthetic.

3. Gender-Fluid Clothing

Gender-Fluid Clothing

Breaking down traditional gender norms, Gen Z is leading the charge in gender-fluid fashion. This trend sees men wearing skirts and blouses, women in suits and ties, and everyone embracing a mix of styles traditionally associated with different genders. It’s all about self-expression and rejecting outdated norms.

Gender-fluid clothing challenges the fashion industry to be more inclusive and versatile. It’s a powerful movement towards a more accepting and open-minded world.

4. Oversized Everything

Oversized Everything

Comfort is king for Gen Z, and oversized clothing is a testament to that. From baggy jeans to oversized hoodies and jackets, this trend is all about relaxed fits and cozy vibes.

Oversized pieces are often paired with fitted items to balance the look. This style not only looks effortlessly cool but also allows for more freedom of movement. It’s a trend that combines fashion with functionality.

5. Thrifted and Vintage Finds

Thrifted and Vintage Finds

Sustainability is a significant concern for Gen Z, leading to a rise in thrifting and wearing vintage clothing. This trend is about finding unique pieces with history and reducing fashion’s environmental impact.

Thrift stores and online resale platforms are treasure troves for these fashion-forward individuals. Mixing vintage finds with modern pieces creates a distinctive, personalized style. It’s fashion with a conscience, blending old and new seamlessly.

6. Statement Sneakers

Statement Sneakers

Gone are the days when sneakers were just for sports. Gen Z loves making a statement with their footwear, opting for bold, colorful, and often chunky sneakers. Brands like Nike, Adidas, and Balenciaga have become staples in their wardrobes.

Sneakers are paired with everything from dresses to suits, showcasing their versatility. This trend is all about comfort without compromising on style.

7. Bold Prints and Patterns

Bold Prints and Patterns

Gen Z isn’t afraid to stand out, and bold prints and patterns are a big part of that. Animal prints, tie-dye, and vibrant florals are just a few of the patterns dominating their wardrobes.

Mixing and matching different prints is also a popular trend, creating eye-catching and unique outfits. It’s about being fearless with fashion choices and expressing personality through clothing. This trend turns heads and starts conversations.

8. DIY and Customization

DIY and Customization

Personalization is key for Gen Z, and DIY fashion is a big hit. From hand-painted jackets to customized sneakers and patchwork jeans, this generation loves to put their unique stamp on their clothing.

This trend encourages creativity and individuality, making each piece one-of-a-kind. Social media platforms are full of tutorials and inspiration for DIY projects. It’s fashion that’s as unique as the person wearing it.

9. Athleisure


Athleisure isn’t just a trend; it’s a lifestyle for Gen Z. Combining athletic wear with everyday clothing, this style is all about comfort and versatility. Leggings, joggers, and sporty tops are worn both in and out of the gym.

This trend blurs the line between workout gear and casual wear, making it suitable for various occasions. It’s perfect for an active lifestyle that doesn’t sacrifice style.

10. Baggy Jeans

Baggy Jeans

Skinny jeans are out, and baggy jeans are in. This trend harks back to the ’90s and early 2000s, with loose-fitting denim making a strong comeback.

Baggy jeans are often paired with crop tops, oversized tees, or fitted jackets for a balanced look. They offer a laid-back, effortlessly cool vibe. This trend is comfortable, practical, and a bit nostalgic.

11. Chunky Accessories

Chunky Accessories

When it comes to accessories, bigger is better for Gen Z. Chunky chains, oversized sunglasses, and bold earrings are all the rage. These statement pieces can elevate any outfit and add a touch of personality.

The key is to balance these bold accessories with simpler clothing items. This trend allows for fun experimentation and adds flair to everyday looks.

12. High-Waisted Everything

High-Waisted Everything

High-waisted jeans, shorts, skirts, and even swimsuits are a favorite among Gen Z. This trend is flattering on all body types, accentuating the waist and elongating the legs.

High-waisted pieces can be styled with crop tops, tucked-in shirts, or oversized sweaters. They bring a vintage feel while still being modern and stylish. It’s a timeless look that has been reinvented for today’s fashion scene.

13. Sustainable Fashion Brands

Sustainable Fashion Brands

With a strong focus on environmental consciousness, Gen Z supports sustainable fashion brands. They prefer to invest in clothing that is ethically made and eco-friendly.

Brands that use organic materials, fair trade practices, and transparent production processes are highly favored. This trend pushes the fashion industry towards more sustainable practices. It’s about making choices that are good for the planet and the people on it.

14. Layering


Layering isn’t just for keeping warm; it’s a key style strategy for Gen Z. Combining different textures, patterns, and lengths creates depth and interest in an outfit. Think turtlenecks under slip dresses or oversized jackets over hoodies.

This trend allows for creativity and practicality, making outfits more versatile. It’s perfect for transitional weather and adds a unique touch to any look.

15. Neon Colors

Neon Colors

Bright, bold neon colors are making a splash in Gen Z’s wardrobes. From neon green hoodies to hot pink accessories, these vibrant hues are impossible to miss. This trend is all about making a bold statement and standing out from the crowd.

Neon pieces are often mixed with more neutral tones to create a balanced look. It’s a fearless and fun approach to fashion.

Bold, Fearless, and Unapologetic

Bold, Fearless, and Unapologetic

Gen Z’s fashion trends are all about breaking boundaries and expressing individuality. They mix the old with the new, prioritize comfort, and aren’t afraid to make bold statements.

Whether through sustainable choices, gender-fluid styles, or eye-catching accessories, this generation is redefining fashion. Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Gen Z is making its mark on the fashion world.

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