
12 Things You Should Always Have in Your Emergency Kit

May 23, 2024 by Vanessa Bermudez
emergency kit

Whether it’s a sudden natural disaster or a surprise flat tire, life loves to throw curveballs. Being prepared can make all the difference, and that starts with a well-stocked emergency kit. While the basics like water and food are a given, several other essentials are often overlooked. Here’s a breakdown of the 12 items you absolutely need to include in your emergency kit to ensure you’re ready for anything.

1. Water Filtration Device

Water Filtration Device

Sure, bottled water is essential, but it can run out. A portable water filter or purification tablets are crucial when you need to make questionable water safe for drinking. These small but mighty tools can be lifesavers when access to clean water is compromised. Make sure to choose one that’s lightweight and effective against bacteria and parasites.

2. Multi-Tool


Why pack a whole toolbox when a multi-tool can handle most jobs? A good quality multi-tool includes pliers, knives, screwdrivers, and more, all in one compact package. This handy gadget can fix broken gear, cut through obstructions, or help construct a makeshift shelter. Opt for a durable, rust-resistant model to ensure longevity.

3. Emergency Blanket

Emergency Blanket

An emergency blanket, also known as a space blanket, is not just for astronauts! These thin, heat-reflective sheets are invaluable for retaining body heat in cold climates and can also be used for shade in hot weather. Lightweight and compact, they can even signal for help thanks to their shiny surface.

4. First-Aid Kit

First-Aid Kit

A comprehensive first-aid kit can mend minor injuries or stabilize major ones until professional help arrives. Your kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, allergy medication, and tools like tweezers and scissors. Regularly check your kit to replace any used or expired items.

5. Flashlight and Extra Batteries

Flashlight and Extra Batteries

When the power goes out, a reliable flashlight can be your best friend. LED flashlights offer long-lasting light with considerable battery life. Remember to pack extra batteries or a hand-crank charger to ensure you’re never left in the dark. Consider a waterproof model for added durability.

6. Portable Charger

Portable Charger

In today’s connected world, a dead phone can mean being cut off from help. A portable power bank can keep your mobile devices charged when there are no power outlets to be found. Look for one with multiple charging ports and a high-capacity battery for maximum efficiency.

7. Local Maps and Compass

Local Maps and Compass

While GPS is fantastic, technology can fail. Having physical maps of your area and a compass can guide you back to safety if you lose your digital direction. Make sure you know how to use them and keep them in a waterproof container to protect against the elements.

8. Non-Perishable Snacks

Non-Perishable Snacks

Hunger can make any emergency situation worse. Pack energy bars, dried fruits, nuts, or jerky to keep your energy up without taking up too much space. These snacks are not only filling but also have long shelf lives, making them perfect for an emergency kit.

9. Weather Radio

Weather Radio

A hand-crank or battery-powered weather radio can keep you informed of important updates without needing an internet connection. Look for a model that includes a NOAA weather band and consider one with a built-in light and charger for extra functionality.

10. Whistle


A whistle is small but mighty when it comes to signaling for help. Its piercing sound can be heard far away and requires minimal effort. It’s especially useful if you’re incapacitated or need to conserve your voice. Pack a durable, pea-less whistle to avoid malfunctions.

11. Fire Starter

Fire Starter

Whether you need to keep warm, cook food, or signal for help, the ability to start a fire is crucial. Waterproof matches, lighters, or magnesium fire starters can make fire-making possible under any conditions. Store them in a waterproof bag to ensure they stay dry.

12. Personal Hygiene Items

Personal Hygiene Items

Maintaining hygiene isn’t just about comfort; it’s crucial for health. Include hand sanitizer, soap, toothpaste, and toothbrushes in your kit. Also, consider packing sanitary pads or tampons as they can be multi-functional in emergencies, such as acting as bandages.

Better Safe Than Sorry

preparing emergency kit

Having these items in your emergency kit will prepare you for the majority of situations you might encounter. Regular checks and updates of your kit are essential to ensure everything is functional and ready when needed. Preparedness isn’t just about having the right tools; it’s about ensuring peace of mind in the face of the unexpected.

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