
10 Shocking Book Covers You Won’t Believe Were Ever Published

June 4, 2024 by Ashleigh Clyde

Book covers are the first impression a reader gets, setting the tone for what’s inside. Sometimes, however, publishers make baffling decisions, resulting in covers that shock, confuse, or even amuse potential readers. Here are 10 astonishing book covers that will leave you wondering how they ever made it to print.

1. “Cooking with Poo” by Saiyuud Diwong


This Thai cookbook’s unfortunate title is actually the nickname of the author, Saiyuud Diwong. “Poo” means “crab” in Thai, but in English, the title has a much less appetizing connotation. The cover features the cheerful author in her kitchen, but the title has made it an internet sensation for all the wrong reasons. Despite—or perhaps because of—its shock value, the book has gained international attention and sales.

2. “Still Stripping After 25 Years” by Eleanor Burns


This quilting book’s title and cover are a masterclass in double entendre. Featuring the author with a big smile and a quilting strip in hand, it cleverly plays on the idea of “stripping” fabric. While the content is perfectly innocent, the cover’s cheeky nod to stripping in the more risquĂ© sense has garnered plenty of surprised laughs and curious buyers.

3. “How to Avoid Huge Ships” by John W. Trimmer


The cover of this maritime safety guide is as straightforward as its title, featuring a massive ship bearing down on the reader. Intended as a serious instructional book for sailors, the absurdly specific subject and deadpan cover image have made it a cult favorite online. The unintended comedy of the title has led to its popularity far beyond the boating community.

4. “Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat” by Kaori Tsutaya


The cover of this unique craft book features adorable images of cats and tiny felted items made from their fur. While the idea of using cat hair might seem odd or even repulsive to some, it appeals to dedicated cat lovers. The cover’s cute, yet unusual concept has made it a novelty item, popular among pet enthusiasts and crafters alike.

5. “Knitting with Dog Hair: Better A Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You’ll Never Meet” by Kendall Crolius and Anne Montgomery


Much like its feline counterpart, this book promotes using dog hair for knitting projects. The cover features a woman happily holding her knitted creation next to her dog, raising eyebrows and sparking conversations. The book targets dog owners who want to keep a piece of their pet with them forever, making it a quirky, if niche, read.

6. “If God Loves Me, Why Can’t I Get My Locker Open?” by Lorraine Peterson


This Christian inspirational book for teens features a perplexed girl at her locker, a common but oddly specific high school dilemma. The cover attempts to connect everyday frustrations with spiritual questions, but its oddly specific scenario has made it a curiosity. The title’s mix of mundane and profound captures attention, though it may elicit chuckles.

7. “The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification” by Julian Montague


A cover featuring shopping carts in various states of abandonment might make you double-take, but this book is a serious, albeit quirky, guide to identifying different types of stray shopping carts. The peculiar subject matter and earnest presentation make it a fascinating oddity. Its cover draws in curious readers who appreciate the humor and originality.

8. “ReUsing Old Graves: A Report on Popular British Attitudes” by Douglas Davies and Alastair Shaw


The somber and somewhat macabre cover of this sociological study addresses the practical and ethical considerations of reusing burial sites. While the topic is serious, the cover’s stark depiction of gravestones and the title’s directness are jarring. It’s a thought-provoking read wrapped in a cover that commands attention.

9. “Bombproof Your Horse” by Rick Pelicano and Lauren Tjaden


This equestrian guide’s cover shows a horse standing calmly next to an explosion, an exaggerated depiction of the book’s training techniques for desensitizing horses to frightening stimuli. The dramatic imagery and bold title grab attention, promising valuable advice for horse owners. The shock value lies in the extreme scenario depicted.

10. “People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It” by Gary Leon Hill


The eerie cover of this paranormal book suggests a chilling read about spirits unaware of their own demise. The title alone is enough to intrigue and unsettle potential readers. Its promise of ghostly encounters and practical advice for dealing with them makes it a unique addition to the genre. The cover’s unsettling imagery complements its spooky content.

Embrace the Unexpected


These shocking book covers prove that creativity knows no bounds, even if it sometimes crosses into the bizarre. Whether they elicit laughter, confusion, or intrigue, these covers are unforgettable. They challenge conventional marketing strategies and push the boundaries of design, making a lasting impression on potential readers. If you’re fascinated by the unusual and the unexpected, dive into these books and discover the stories behind their astonishing covers. Don’t judge a book by its cover—unless it’s one of these!

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